Friday, August 20, 2021

Green Lantern #102

Artist: Alex Saviuk
Inks: Vince Colletta
Colors: Anthony Tollin
Writer: Dennis O'Neil
Letters: Ben Oda

Green Lantern #102
(December, 1977)
"Sign Up... And See The Universe!"
Cover by Mike Grell, Alex Saviuk, Tatjana Wood

Batman #20
(November, 1986)
Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
"Firme Ahora Y... Conozca El Universo"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Second feature starring Batman and Robin
Batman y Robin en: "El Mayor Triunfo Del Comodín"

Batman #189
(November, 1980)
Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
Editorial Tequendama Editel (Novaro) - Colombia

Synopsis: Black Canary and a group of citizens are brainwashed into accepting an extra-terrestrial being's invitation to get onboard his spaceship and travel across the universe. A suspicious Green Arrow hides inside the star cruiser, but trouble ensues. Unfortunately, Green Lantern is not available to help his friends, who are now in deep-space trouble.

(January, 1981)
Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Superman #381

Artist: Curt Swan
Inks: Dave Hunt
Colors: Anthony Tollin
Writer: Cary Bates
Letters: Ben Oda

Superman #381
(January, 1983)
"Whose Super-Life Is It Anyway?"
Cover by Gil Kane

Supermán #40
(November, 1986)
Las Aventuras De Supermán
"¿Quién Es Este Supermán?"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán #1495
(November, 1984)
Las Aventuras De Supermán
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Synopsis: Superboy is lost in time, and now is trapped in the body of Superman, his future self. Not knowing what to do, he goes to present-day Smallville, but what he finds there will break his heart.

Superman #60
Al-Rafidain Publishing House

Superman #4
"Zijn Er Nog Mensen Met Problemen"
Baldakijn Boeken - Netherlands

Super-Heróis #19
(February, 1984)
Agência Portuguesa de Revistas - Portugal

Superman Special #12
(October, 1983)
"L'incroyable Voyage Dans Le Temps"
Sagédition - France

Superman #13
(June, 1983)
Ehapa - Germany