Monday, May 16, 2022

Hawkman #11

End Of Collection - 80 issues of "Supermán" - 62 issues of "Batman"

Artist: Richard Howell
Inks: Carlos Garzón
Colors: Michele Wolfman
Writers: Dan Mishkin
Letters: Augustin Mas

Hawkman #11
(April, 1987)
Cover by Richard Howell, Bob Lewis

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #80
(June, 1988)
El Hombre Halcón y La Mujer Halcón
"El Calor Del Sol"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: This is the final issue of the 'Superman' series by Editora Cinco in Colombia. The book does not feature Superman at all; instead, it stars Hawkman and Hawkwoman. The story is left in a cliffhanger that does not see its resolution, as the series is cancelled. Grupo Editorial Vid in Mexico did continue with the title, including the conclusion of this story. The final price of the comic in Colombia was $120, three times the start price of $40 just three years prior.

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #28
(November 3, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: After defeating the Thanagarian invading fleet and saving Earth, Hawkman and Hawkwoman must deliver Darkwing and Byth to their home planet in the Polaris star system to be held accountable for their actions. Once in Thanagar, however, the hawks are received by the hostile forces of Hyathis, the new dictator!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Action Comics #588

Artist: John Byrne
Inks: Dick Giordano
Colors: Michele Wolfman
Writers: John Byrne
Letters: John Costanza

Action Comics #588
(March, 1987)
"All Wars Must End!" - Chapter II
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #79
(May, 1988)
Supermán, El Hombre Halcón y La Mujer Halcón
"El Fin De La Guerra"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: This is the final appearance of Superman in his own title. In this issue, Superman plays a supporting role, since the story's main characters are Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Superman's fate at the end of this book is left in a cliffhanger that doesn't get resolved because the series is cancelled with issue #80.

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #27
(October 20, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis:  They have defeated and captured Darkwing -the Thanagarian would-be conqueror- but Hawkman and Hawkwoman must still stop the invading fleet that is about to strike planet Earth. In order to avert an extinction-level catastrophe, the Hawks seek the aid of the Man of Steel himself: Enter Superman!

Superman Di John Byrne # 6
(June, 2021)
Panini - Italy

ซูเปอร์แมน 41
The Nation Comics - Thailand

Superman Con Hawkwoman #21
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Original Cover by John Byrne

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Hawkman #10

Artist: Richard Howell
Inks: Carlos Garzón
Colors: Michele Wolfman
Writers: Barbara Kesel, Dan Mishkin
Letters: Augustin Mas

Hawkman #10
(March, 1987)
"All Wars Must End!"
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #78
(May, 1988)
El Hombre Halcón y La Mujer Halcón
"Todas Las Guerras Deben Terminar"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: The final three issues of the 'Superman' series by Editora Cinco in Colombia before its cancellation focus on Hawkman and Hawkwoman's Shadow War, with a cameo by Superman in issue #78, and a guest appearance in issue #79.

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #26
(October 6, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: While Hawkman goes after Darkwing in an attempt to stop him from ordering a catastrophic thermonuclear attack on Earth, Hawkwoman must escort Commissioner George Emmett out of the inferno unleashed in the heart of the Shadow War, and into safety. Guest-Starring the Gentleman Ghost, and a cameo appearance by Superman.

Original Cover by John Byrne

Friday, May 13, 2022

Action Comics #590

Artist: John Byrne
Inks: Dick Giordano
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: John Byrne
Letters: John Costanza

Action Comics #590
(May, 1987)
"Better Living Dying Through Chemistry"
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #77
(May, 1988)
Supermán y Los Hombres De Metal
"La Química Proporciona Vida/Muerte"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: With this issue, Editora Cinco in Colombia increases the price of its books from $100.00 to $120.00. This is the fourth and final increase overall, before the series is cancelled due to the outrageous price and low sales.  The first two price hikes had been for $10 each; the third increase was $40, and the final one was $20, making the cost of a single comic inaccessible to the regular public.

Note: This is the final issue of the series that focuses on Superman. The villain featured in the story is Chemo, which was also the villain in the first issue of the title, three years prior. Superman makes a cameo in issue #77, and a guest appearance in issue #78. The Man of Steel does not appear in the final issue of his own title, #80.

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #25
(September 22, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: Thought to have been destroyed by Negative Woman during the events of 'Crisis On Infinite Earths,' Chemo has survived the merging of the realities in a dormant state. When Clark Kent accidentally falls into a vat of chemicals, a new Chemo is born, and it's coming after Doctor Magnus' Metal Men!

Superman #27
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Adventures Of Superman #430

Artist: Jerry Ordway
Inks: Jerry Ordway
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Letters: Albert DeGuzman

Adventures Of Superman #430
(May, 1987)
"Homeward Bound"
Cover by Jerry Ordway

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #76
(March, 1988)
"Anivarsario Frustrado"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #24
(September 8, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis:  Superman's duties conflict with his parents' anniversary and his job at the Daily Planet. As Ma and Pa Kent celebrate their 49th anniversary, and Clark is once again late with his story assignment at the newspaper, the Man of Steel is stuck fighting the Fearsome Five, who are committing crimes at the Metropolis Diamond Expo and a luxury cruise.

Superman #27
"Volviendo a Casa"
Editorial Perfil - Argentina

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Superman #7

Artist: John Byrne
Inks: Karl Kesel
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: John Byrne
Letters: John Costanza

Superman #7
(May, 1987)
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #75
(March, 1988)
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #23
(August 25, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: While Clark Kent tries to get in touch with the mysterious Wonder Woman, a science experiment sponsored by the Daily Planet has gone horribly wrong, and it may just have transformed Lois Lane into a hulking savage. After she is caught in the blast of a bio-energy actualizer, her cells now absorb energy much like Superman, gaining super-human strength and an anger management problem to match!

Superman #18
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Superman #39
Bladakijn Boeke - Netherlands

Superman #18
London Editions - United Kingdom

Stålmannen #1
Semic Press - Norway

Der Neue Superman #3
(December, 1987)
Ehapa - Germany

Superman #26
Editorial Perfil - Argentina

Supeman Classic #7
(November, 1994)
Edizione Play Press - Italy

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Adventures Of Superman #429

Artist: Jerry Ordway
Inks: Jerry Ordway
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Letters: Albert DeGuzman

Adventures Of Superman #429
(April, 1987)
"Old Ties"
Cover by Jerry Ordway

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #74
(March, 1988)
"Viejos Lazos"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #22
(August 11, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: Cat Grant's son, Adam, gets caught in the middle of a fight between Superman and a new villain who calls himself Concussion... and the Man of Steel is to blame for the tragic fallout!

Superman #17
Not An Actual Cover
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Superman #25
Editorial Perfil - Argentina

Friday, May 6, 2022

Green Lantern #106

Artist: Dennis O'Neil
Inks: Bruce D. Patterson
Colors: Adrienne Roy
Writer: Dennis O'Neil
Letters: Ben Oda

Green Lantern #106
(May, 1978)
"Panic... In High Places And Low"
Cover by Mike Grell, Tatjana Wood

Batman #53
(February, 1988)
Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
"La Muerte Está En Todas Partes"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Second feature starring Batman and Robin
Batman y Robin en: "El Gigante Mental De Ciudad Gótica"

Note: For the third time in this series, Editora Cinco uses the same cover for one of its books. While issue #5 did feature the proper Justice League of America story, issue #49 and issue #53 feature stories that are not related at all to the cover itself.

Note: This is the last "original" story  printed by Editora Cinco in Colombia for the "Batman" title. All the subsequent issues are reprints of previous issues from the same series, starting with issue #54, which is a reprint of issue #1, and so on. To an extent, this could be considered the final issue of the series, as the remaining nine issues are all reprints.

Batman #213
Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
Editorial Tequendama Editel (Novaro) - Colombia

Synopsis: Green Lantern has finally trapped his arch-enemy Sonar, and is taking him to Modora to face justice, but the judge decides not to believe the Emerald Crusader's accusations. Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Black Canary's flight crashes in the mountains, and a monstrous menace is haunting them in the blizzard!

Batman Presenta: Linterna Verde y Flecha Verde
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Adventures Of Superman #428

Artist: Jerry Ordway
Inks: Mike Machlan
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Letters: John Costanza

Adventures Of Superman #428
(March, 1987)
"Mind Games"
Cover by Jerry Ordway

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #73
(Feruary, 1988)
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #21
(July 28, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: Perry White's troubled son, Jerry, has been kidnapped by some crooks, and now they want something in exchange from the famous editor-in-chief of the prestigious Daily Planet. Will Perry lie in the newspaper, and betray the trust of the citizens of Metropolis to save his son's life?

Superman #14
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Der Neue Superman #9
Ehapa - Germany

Super-Homem #48
"Jogos De Guerra"
Editora Abril - Brazil

Superman #24
Editorial Perfil - Argentina