Saturday, February 6, 2021

Action Comics #524

Artist: Curt Swan
Inks: Frank Chiaramonte
Colors: Gene D'Angelo
Writer: Martin Pasko
Letters: Todd Klein

Action Comics #524
(August, 1981)
"If I Can't Be Clark Kent... Nobody Can!"
Cover by Ross Andru, Dick Giordano

Second feature starring The Atom and Air Wave
"Catastrophe By Calculation!"

Supermán #23
(March, 1986)
Las Aventuras De Supermán
"Si Yo No Puedo Ser Clark Kent, Nadie Puede"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Second feature starring Aquaman
Aquaman en: "El Final"

Supermán #1380
Las Aventuras De Supermán
(August, 1982)
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Supermán #223-272
Las Aventuras De Supermán
(August, 1982)
Editorial Tequendama Editel (Novaro) - Colombia

Synopsis: Superman vs. Clark Kent.

"The Private Life Of Clark Kent"
K.G. Murray Publishers - Australia

Giant Magazine #319
"لن يكون هناك كلارك كينت إلا أنا"

Superman #29
Al-Rafidain Publishing House

Superman Géant #18
"Le Clone Ataque!"
Sagédition - France

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