Saturday, June 26, 2021

Justice League Of America #196

Artist: George Pérez
Inks: Romeo Tanghal
Colors: Carl Gafford
Writer: Gerry Conway
Letters: Ben Oda

Justice League Of America #196
(September, 1981)
"Countdown To Crisis!"
Cover by George Pérez

Supermán #39
(October, 1986)
Campeones De La Justicia y Defensores De La Justicia
"La Cuenta Regresiva"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: This is the final Justice League Of America story published in the "Supermán" title by Editora Cinco in Colombia. A total of seven issues starring the JLA (three of them co-starring the Justice Society) were released during this series' run (issues 13, 16, 21, 33, 34, 36 and 39). Additional Justice League stories continue to be published in the "Batman" title until the end of its run.

Supermán #1494
(November, 1984)
Campeones De La Justicia y Defensores De La Justicia
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Synopsis: The second chapter of the Secret Society of Super-Villains plot against the Justice League and the Justice Society sees several heroes defeated by their enemies: Hourman, Batman, Johnny Thunder, Atom, Flash, Firestorm, and Superman fall victims to The Ultra-Humanite's plan, and the fate of two worlds hang in the balance.

Les Aventures De La Ligue De Justice #7
"Complot Cosmique"
(November, 1983)
Arédit Artima Color - France

Superman Extra #12
Ehapa - Germany

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