Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Flash #260

Artist: Irv Novick
Inks: Joe Giella
Colors: Gene D'Angelo
Letters: Ben Oda
Writer: Cary Bates

The Flash #260
(February, 1978)
"The 1,000 Year-Old Root!"
Cover by José Luis García-López

Batman #27
(February, 1987)
Batman Presenta: Flash
"La Raíz Milenaria"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Second feature starring Batman and Robin
Batman y Robin en: "Un Acertijo Para Cada Ocasión"

Batman #197
(January, 1981)
Batman Presenta: Flash
Editorial Tequendama Editel (Novaro) - Colombia

Synopsis: Iris' biological parents from 1,000 years in the future have come to visit the present day, but her father, Eric, has an ulterior motive to travel to the 20th century. He seeks to solve the mystery involving one of his ancestors, how he died, fought the Flash, and got married on the same day, and in that same order!

Batman #1070
(March, 1981)
Batman Presenta: Flash
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

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