Sunday, January 9, 2022

World's Finest #286

Artist: Rich Buckler
Inks: Sam De La Rosa
Colors: Gene D'Angelo
Writer: Cary Burkett
Letters: P. Félix

World's Finest #286
(October, 1982)
"When Hell Breaks Loose!"
Cover by Rich Buckler, Dick Giordano

Supermán #41
(November, 1986)
Supermán y Batman
"Cuando El Infierno Se Desata"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Note: With this issue, Editora Cinco increases the price of its books from $50.00 to $60.00. This is the second increase in a trend that will more than double the cost of these comics in less than two years.

Supermán #1499
(December, 1984)
Supermán y Batman
Editorial Novaro - Serie Aguila - México

Synopsis: Zatanna was only the first casualty in the new war that Superman and Batman face against their new otherworldly enemy. Soon, other allies of the World's Finest team will follow. Guest appearances by Wonder Woman, Robin, Green Arrow, and Hawkman.

Superman e Batman #100
"Liberateci Dal Demonio!"
Editrice Cinisio - Italy

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