Saturday, April 2, 2022

Action Comics #585

Artist: John Byrne
Inks: Dick Giordano
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: John Byrne
Letters: John Costanza

Action Comics #585
(December, 1986)
"And Graves Give Up Their Dead..."
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #64
(October, 1987)
Supermán y El Mensajero De Ultratumba
"Y Los Muertos Saldrán De Sus Tumbas..."
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #12
(April 6, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: Superman and The Phantom Stranger team up to destroy a creature created by the Sherabite Stone, and by the actions of Superman himself!

Superman #34
Baldakijn Boeke - Netherlands

Superman #10
(November, 1987)
"...Y Los Muertos Abandonan Sus Tumbas..."
Not An Actual Cover
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Note: The first eight pages of this story were published by Ediciones Zinco in the previous issue of this series (number 9). The remaining 14 pages are printed in this issue.

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