Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Action Comics #587

Artist: John Byrne
Inks: Dick Giordano
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Writer: John Byrne
Letters: John Costanza

Action Comics #587
(February, 1987)
Cover by John Byrne

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #70
(December, 1987)
Supermán y El Demonio
"La Ciudad De Las Almas Perdidas"
Editora Cinco - Colombia

Supermán El Hombre De Acero #15
(June 29, 1987)
Grupo Editorial Vid - México

Synopsis: When Glenda Mark, an acquaintance of Jason Blood, is magically transformed into a living tower that threatens with crushing Gotham City, the unexpected presence of Superman is more than welcome. But in order to stop the one responsible for this impending disaster -the evil Morgan Le Fay- the Man of Steel must team up with Etrigan the Demon -from both present day and from the year 1162!!

Superman #17
"Ciudad Fantasma"
Ediciones Zinco - Spain

Der Neue Superman #5
(May, 1988)
Ehapa - Germany

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